Business Strategy Simulation
Capstone® challenges students to draw on their acquired knowledge to create and execute a strategy in a competitive and dynamic environment.
What is Capstone
It’s a big step from business school to the corner office. Help your students close the gap with Capstone business simulation. The interactive platform provides students with the opportunity to test assumptions and learn from mistakes so they are better prepared to step confidently into their business career. Through Capstone, students get the chance to apply what they've learned across all disciplines of business in one strategic, competitive, engaging learning experience.
Integrate Theory and Practice.
Success in business begins with strategy. It can only be achieved, however, through the inevitable compromises and trade-offs inherent in the decisions managers make every day on finance, operations, marketing and more.
To grasp how the individual parts of a business impact the entire organisation, nothing beats the experience of running a business in a competitive marketplace. Capstone® provides that experience—without the real-world risk—along with the opportunity to practice the financial, intellectual, and human skills required for successful business management.
Easily Adapts to Your Class
Depending on your course structure, Capstone can be used in the classroom, online or both. You decide if students should compete in teams against each other or as individuals against virtual companies. It can even be tailored to fit your class schedule.
Capstone is suitable for small groups to large learning programs with over 1,000 students. It is versatile enough to be used in classes, across schools, for executive education, and in special seminar programs across the world.